Ivano-Frankivsk region in case of hazardous and suspicious objects need to know

crimes committed with the use of explosive devices carry significant public danger. In the case of items left unattended in a public place opytayte people who are nearby. Try to establish comthey are in or who could leave them. If the owner is not found immediately report the discovery of law enforcement. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other object. Do not pick up abandoned things, no matter how attractive they are, they can be disguised bombs (in plastic banks, cellphones, etc.). Outdoor knock your feet objects lying on the ground. Characteristic signs that indicate the possible presence of explosives in a suspicious object: - Suspicious circumstances appearance items - bags, packages, boxes, metal and glass containers etc. left unattended owners in this place and at this time; - Suspicious aboutstances appearance just freshly painted or plastered wall space, land or dug piles of garbage in the path; - Availability of items in the typical form of regular ammunition, training and simulation, signaling, lighting, fireworks; - The existence of obvious details that bring explosive devices in place (eshouts the power toggle buttons, timers, wires, etc.); - The sound of the movement of suspicious objects; - The presence of the subject smell of petrol, gas, solvents and other chemicals; - Availability of electric drives (antennas, mobile phones), lightguide that continuously flashes or lights; - The presence of smoke going of the subject; - Presence in the doors (windows) any foreign objects attached to them by line, wire or adhesive tape. Do not take any action on their own findings or suspicious objects that can be explosive devices - this can lead to their explosion, numerous casualties and destruction. If suddenly started Activateation of the security forces and law enforcement agencies, show no interest, go the other way, but not Run to You are not mistaken for the enemy. In the event of an explosion or fire immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (curb, booths, car, etc.). For greater security cover your head with your hands. Accidentally learned about the attack that is being preparedreport it immediately to the police. If you become aware of the preparation or commission of a crime, report it immediately to the police Ukraine! In all, without exception message police will ensure prompt response related services, including explosive and technical service of the police and take care of people's safety. Hour number islefonu, which operates in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (0342) 50 - 85 - 07 or "102". SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/