In the late 60's operated underground in Lviv Art Academy - "historical truth"

are known not only in Ukraine but also worldwide sculptor Roman Petruk, artists Ivan Marchuk and Minko and dozens more artists started their careers with training in the underground art academy in. Its defiance of Soviet education system, created toend of the 60 th century. by Carl Zvirynskyy. &Laquo; The system of training at the academy Zvirynskoho fundamentally opposed Soviet art system, which trained soldiers from Art, – explained the reasons to go to « underground » Academy of Art founder Dr. Orest Holubec. &Ndash; Ideally, after such trainingArtists have to be odnakovisinkymy regime and fulfill orders & raquo ;. It tells the daughter of Charles Zvirynskoho Christine Shepherd, her father in any way trying to keep track of what lives western world, new trends in art, through friends getting clippings Polish newspapers and magazines, radio vylovlyuvav information in the Air Force. Fromso at home Academy artist taught his disciples banned in Soviet modernism. Studies were carried out in a small studio apartment Charles Zvirynskoho. &Laquo; Carlo I. literally told us all – about the latest trends in painting, sculpture, music, philosophy, literature, theater. We got him a second school, but humanand true diva & raquo ;, – he says Carl Zvirynskoho, rector of the Lviv Academy of Arts Andrew Bokotey. &Laquo; School was complex, it formed no more artistic approach and a philosophy of man & raquo ;, – Orest Holubec adds. Although 25 years of official teaching Carlo Zvirynskyy was only a senior teacher, studentand called him Professor. A first and last exhibition of the artist during his lifetime was only in 1995 when Charles Zvirynskomu was already 72 years old. What was the Ukrainian art « underground & raquo ;, – see June 23, at 22:00 in the project « The historical truth of Vakhtang Kipiani » on TV ZIK. This flooridomyv
