Ivano-Frankivsk region, students are taught to behave in hazardous situations
According to statistics, 80% of all emergencies occur caused by man – fault directly or indirectly. The main reason for this situation is the low awareness of basic safety rules zhyttyediyalnosti. The art coexist harmoniously with the environment and the basic principles of self-defense during various emergencies should be taught from an early age the child is – this is shared by teachers and lifeguards. And most importantly, perhaps, to consolidate this knowledge in practice. On April 23 events in the Day of Civil prostu employees Fire and Rescue Service Administration invited Ivano-Frankivsk specialized school I-III number 5 in-depth study of the German language. Rescuers – Guests are always welcome in this school, because communication with them helps children to better understand all the dangers that await them in everyday inhand those taught properly confront them. Head of communications ’ bonds with the media and public relations management DSNS in major civil protection Pertsovych Christina told students about the features daily work of rescuers reminded rules of life safety, maintaining that affect health ’ I'm living eachchild. Special emphasis is made on Christina V. handling of explosive remnants, it's very important, given the situation in the country. Children are reminded how to act upon detection of unknown things, bags or packages where to turn to in case of detection and how to behave before the arrival of competent professionals.It was also clearly outlined the main causes of fires in the homes of citizens and given tips on how to avoid such cases. Students also stressed the most characteristic dangers that lurk on frivolous at home, while education and recreation, fire – by careless handling of fire, electrical and gas appliancess, explosions – when trying to parse found explosive devices, the threat of lost – if the wrong choice route drown – non-compliance with safety rules on the shore. Students were given warning leaflets. Overall themed events that took place in the Day of Civil Protection in Ivano-Frankivsk specializationzovaniy school-III levels number 5 were interesting and instructive and completed the last stage – school teachers and students worked elements evacuation of the premises of the institution in the event of an emergency. Without doubt, this event will long remain in the city ’ Memory teachers and their pupils, because each of them in Wormsys as a bridge to the realities of disasters and felt how important knowledge of the rules of life safety. Management DSNS inSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/