In Khmelnytsky rescuers spent the day at the school of civil protection
on April 23 in all kindergartens and secondary schools Khmelnytsky The day of civil protection. To teach students the basics of Khmelnitsky school 2 life safety officers visited State Emergency Service of Ukraine, which vidhuknulysya at the invitation of the director Victor Baydycha. First, during the lectures in the hall rescuers told the children the rules of conduct during various emergencies and to consolidate the information received showed instructive videos, and handed themed cards and memory ’ of interest with the rules of life safety. Next on alertscrap all students to evacuate quickly left the room and went outside, where they waited for a real surprise. On the ground near the institution rescuers deployed equipment and rescue equipment. Firefighters 37th state of the Fire and Rescue practice showed the children how they eliminate fire. Boys and girls fromenthusiastically watched as rescuers trail sleeve line and conventional quench the fire. Members of the group rescue operations showed a special tool which is used during the liquidation of various emergencies. With unconcealed delight students watched as rescuers using Pneumopillows roseDo a height of 20 cm fire truck, weighing more than 7 tons. In turn, employees of radiation and chemical defense told the children the rules of conduct during the flood of mercury and demonstrated Respiratory and skin used when working in a chemically contaminated environment. When he saw children with hobbiestion shared their experiences because they had no hope that they will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of manly profession. Similar measures in the field of education take place every year, because this is how children best and perceive Add ’ loader the useful information, and even teach parents. PG DSNS Ukraine in Hmelnytskiy areaSource: