Part Ternopil kindergartens and schools on the East array no heat because of failure in some

secondary schools on the East array, including kindergarten 2, 6, 20, 26, 36, school 10, 14, 15, 17 in a specialized school degree and specialized in foreign languages ??at school and I will examine the degree of depthnnyam April 22 bases of the economy is not heating. It tells the deputy mayor of the executive board of Vladislav Stemkovskyy, cause – in an accident on the net house on the street. Ukrainian L. 4. &Laquo; Accident network boiler stalled coolant supply to kindergartens and schools massif East -said Vladislav Stemkovskyy. &Ndash; The problem will be resolved before the end of the day on 21 April, but now there is another problem with the connection heat. After the boiler room to run should be filled with water, and the city for April 21-22 conducted planned irrigation water supply systems, which run through the boiler can not & raquo ;. SALT Officego and Science held a meeting with the heads of these schools and concluded that schools closed April 22 will not. &Laquo; Educational institutions even in the absence of heating will work - says Head of Education and Science Olga Pohylyak. - I want to warn parents of preschool children, if you can, tleave children at home. If you will keep them in kindergarten, the children wear warmer. In schools, according to the schedule, April 22 will be a day of civil defense. Accordingly, the lessons will be reduced & raquo ;. According to weather forecasts, already from Thursday, April 23, in Ternopil observed increase in air temperature. This is the communicationdomyly in Ternopil City Council
