In the Rivne region police set perpetrators of robbery on the seller store

Yesterday around noon, two unidentified men broke into the shop in the village Grabow Rivne region, and threatened with a knife to the seller, beverages and stole money. About the event 28-year-old Julia, who works at the store, immediately reported on lineS "102". At the scene went investigative team police station. Law enforcement officers found that the attackers did not hide their faces, invaded the premises and threatened with a knife Julia, brought five bottles of vodka and five hundred hryvnia, which were on hand, then disappeared in an unknown direction. - List the matter included in the Unified Register of fosudovyh investigations under Part 3 of Article 187 (robbery, combined with penetration in the home or other premises) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, - the acting head of the Rivne District Police Valery Servetnyk. - Are all necessary investigation and search operations to install malicious persons. They zahrozhuye to twelve years in prison. Both attackers were dressed in black clothes. One of the men to look 40 years full constitution, was in the black hat. Second-looking 30 - 35 years old, slim constitution, was dressed in black bass. Guardians appeal to anyone who knows anything about the offense of criminal offensesI call us at (067) 49-52-959 or 102. Maria YUSTYTSKA, Rivne District Police Ukraine in Rivne region
