In the Zhytomyr Oblast vigilant neighbor saved the life of a man
April 20 at 19:55 at the point called ’ communication 6th State Fire and Rescue village of Brusilov was reported fire in the trees ’ Yan house located in the village. Soloviyivka. To rescue « 101 » called a neighbor. The man looked easye smoke and immediately ran to check what happened. He entered the house and woke landlords. 73-year-old grandfather rested and did not even know of the danger. The pensioner living alone and if not savvy neighbors wake up to it was just anyone. Upon arrival of the next guard firefighters burned counter and decoration of plastichouse. The fire had begun to penetrate the house. Through skillful fighters DSNS actions are managed at 20:30 localize fire, and at 21:15 – completely eliminated. The dead and injured were found. Flame ’ I hurt ustyhlo 4 m2 exterior walls. According to experts the previous version was the cause of the fire is a short circuitlektromerezhi. In DSNS in Zhytomyr regionSource: