Ternopil: to celebrate the "Day of Fire" rescuers held for
children a tour to educate the younger generation the basics of life safety and proper actions in terms of danger, April 17, in the territory of the 17th state of the Fire and Rescue Management DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil Rescuers had to fieldstudents tour to celebrate « Day of Fire Protection & raquo ;. Firefighters told how negligence adults and children pranks lead to fires, taught the rules of safe behavior at home and in the street. Students actively answered questions about safe behavior in nature, reservoirs during explosive detection etc.edmetiv and in case of fires in the home. During the event students gladly tried over combat clothing and emergency personnel familiar with the fire and rescue equipment that is in service in the rescue. This measure long Add ’ yatayetsya children. The most active participants received a souvenir from rescuers productionsth. Such events certainly left its mark in the minds of every child, emphasizing the importance of dedication and work done Zborivsky district employees of the Department of DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region for the safety of children. By the way, during the festive events leadership of District Department conductedustrich veterans and retired fire protection.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/