In Ternopil completed registration of persons to participate in testing 2015
Information Department of Education and Science of the Ternopil City Council the completion of the registration on UPE-2015 Please note that: 1) the registration of persons to participate in external assessment carried out in 2015 on the site of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment ( and ends February 20; 2) external evaluation conducted on such subjects: * Ukrainian language and literature (required ’ compulsory subject) * History of Ukraine, * Mathematics, * Physics, * Chemistry * Biology, * Geography, * Russian language * English * German, * French, * Spanish; 3) abituriyels held external evaluation of the Ukrainian language and literature and mathematics in two difficulty levels – basic and advanced, choose to be registered. Pam ’ Note that the total number of items you have selected to undergo external assessment should not exceed four; 4) a person who is registered forpassing the external assessment will be sent by registered mail the following documents: * Certificate; * Registration posts by external independent evaluation; * Newsletter « external independent evaluation. 2015 & raquo ;. Graduates of this year certificates and information materials sent to the address ofahalnoosvitnoho the institution where they study. Graduates of previous years and students (trainees and students) vocational and higher education certificates and information materials sent by registered mail to the address specified in the registration card; 5) for each participant external assessment on the Web site of Ukrainenian UCEQA created information page, which is accessed by certificate number and PIN-code specified therein; 6) If, within three weeks of departure registration documents you do not receive certificate or notice of refusal to register, contact the Ivano-Frankivsk Regionsnoho UCEQA promoted by phone – (0342) 75-09-75 !!! Telephones in. Ternopil: 43-57-85 (ul. M. Krivonosa 7a, Ternopil Oblast Community Institute for Postgraduate Education, Shaynyuk Yuri Cheslavovych) 40-09-94 (Shevchenko Boulevard, 1, Ternopil municipal methodical cent, the scientific and educational innovation and monitoring Trofimchuk Andrew V.). This was reported in the Ternopil City CouncilSource: