Rivne: rescuers as part of "Mobile social work counseling center" teach students life safety rules
February 18 rescue workers together with regional territorial center of social services for seven ’ th, Children and Youth, District Red Cross Society of Ukraine in the permanent effectwhich specialized units « Mobile Consulting Center of Social Work » met with students and Buderazkoyi Buschanskoyi secondary schools of I-III Zdolbuniv City Council. Employees of the State Service of the National Assembly and social workers roses ’ yasnyly children fire safety and life safety in winter andprocedure in case of fire or any other emergency situation. Also, students have learned to take precautions on the ice when it detects explosive objects and the operation of furnace heating and heating appliances. For better absorption of the acquired knowledge to children and demonstrated instructive cartoons were distributed warningstivky rules of safe life. Also, employees of the Red Cross together with rescuers on the training dummy practically demonstrated techniques to provide students first aid and potrenuvalysya do cardiopulmonary resuscitation. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/