Rivne region, rescuers took part in the workshop educators and "Days of civil protection" in the school gymnasium

April 16 at the Zoryanskoho education center « school gymnasium » employees of the Main Directorate DSNS in Rivne region together with employees of educational-methodical center of civil defense and security zhyttyediyaUAH Duration, nights took part in a regional workshop on responsible persons on civil protection secondary schools Rivne. The seminar program was intense and bright. The event began with a holding in school « Day of Civil Protection & raquo ;. The audience were young wife team of local firefightersand environmentalists who talked about fire safety and security of life and how to act in case of various emergencies. Suddenly zalunaly siren sounds and the school radio system announced that the lobby of the institution found strange suspicious object so began an urgent evacuation of children. However, anxietywas only training. Accompanied by the teachers and all the students quickly organized left school building. After this solemn ruler and drawing competition on the asphalt. Children using colored chalk painted on the asphalt of various kinds of emergencies and fires that may occur due to nedotrymuvatysya safety. Oncompletion « Day of Civil Protection » Rescuers had with teachers educational seminars on fire, and emergency safety and protection. Educators Rose ’ yasnyly basic rules of fire and technological security procedure in case of emergencies, detect suspicious and explosive predm?tivey. Employees of the State Service of the National Assembly have shown short educational videos on civil protection, including an order of evacuation shelters and educational institutions in the defenses, relevant handed Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu literature and city ’ of interest with the basic rules of life safety. It should be added that such eventsRescuers carried out in all educational institutions in the region, because it is taking Life Safety Week, which aims to child injury prevention, promotion of safety knowledge in everyday life, a healthy and active lifestyle among students and students. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/