In the Lviv region Chervonograd police since the beginning of the year revealed more than

hundred crimes in Chervonograd city police station on April 16, a meeting was held on the basis of operational performance for the first quarter 2015. Report on progress employees heard Chief Chervonograd city police department Regimentovnyk police Vladimir Kalisz. Year-to Chervonograd city police department received 1626 statements and reports from citizens. Of these, 545 started the pre-trial investigation, fact is the 33 administrative protocols. In addition, during the first quarter of this year, registered 591 criminal offenses, includingand - 100 31 grave and especially grave. Has reported on the work of all departments heads Chervonograd MB. In general, the police uncovered 98 crimes. Also, found a child who was missing and two people who were wanted. Done 200 administrative protocols. At the end of the meeting Vladimir Kalisz nakedlosyv that police officers should do everything possible to ensure the rule of law, human rights and freedoms. He wished all present forces in service and given tasks at the highest level. CCA Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Lviv region by Oksana Kozachok materials, Assistant Chief Chervonograd MB
