In Ternopil pensioner of the Interior helped catch the robber robber was
Victim 7-year-old resident of Kremenets. The attacker took the child's mobile phone and fled. Helped catch the villain former employee of the district police. As the first deputy chief of police department Kremenetskogo Arthur Sobchuk, etc.tsydent happened at lunch time. The boy was playing on the playground. His jacket left on the bench. Student of the game did not notice at his clothing sat two unfamiliar guys. One of them climbed into someone else's pocket jacket and pulled out a mobile phone and rushed to escape. An attacker caught a passerby who witnessed the event. Herobber stopped and called the police. As it turned out, the savior was a former student Kremenetskogo police department, now retired police Andriy Pavlyuk. Through his indifference attacker could not escape punishment. As for the suspect - 18-year resident of the district center opened criminal proceedings. He etc.kryminuyut part 1 of Article 186 of the Criminal Code - Open abduction of another's property (robbery). SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil regionSource: