In the Zhytomyr region firefighters prevented the fire destroyed the building housing

April 14 at 7:12 paragraph called ’ communications 18th State Fire and Rescue village of Emilchino received information about a fire in trees ’ Yan house in the village Budo-Bobritsa . The fire was discovered 74-year-old owner of the home. At the time of ignition old loan isAlas economic affairs in the summer kitchen. In the street she saw that the roof of her house engulfed in flames. Not a loss, she told the neighbors about the incident that caused and nadzvychaynykiv. House trees ’ plates and so the fire quickly spread to his designs. However, due to operational actions nadzvychaynykiv fire was lokalizovAIE at 7:50 and completely eliminated at 9:20. However, the fire had destroyed the roof of the house. In the event no one was hurt. Currently installed ultimate cause of the fire, the amount of loss and salvaged items. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
