In Dnepropetrovsk office equipment stolen from the hospital and database of
wounded in ATO in Dnipropetrovsk unknown robbed ordynatorsku basic surgical department of the military hospital where the wounded are treated in ATO fight. Information on this RFE confirmed head of the surgical department Yevgeny Gerasimenko. It is reported. Incidentoccurred on the night of 10 to 11 April, but journalists became aware of it only now. According to the doctor, thieves broke the lock plastic doors and took out ordynatorskoyi office equipment, including monitors from two stationary computer ’ s memory and the laptop, which was a base of military victims in TU. &Laquo; What took monitors – This is no problem, but the biggest problem was the laptop, and it – service information: a list of the wounded received, injured patients who took the time ATO Dnepropetrovsk hospital, information boards, which dopravlyaly wounded, e-mail correspondence with volunteers from Ukraine and abroad, and so on. Unpleasant thatThis information came in foreign hands. We assume that was « & raquo ;: gunner in the ordynatorskiy always have another surgeon, but that night it was not there, that thieves know that there is none. These people were targeted, with a set of tools, known as the opening. We all doctors – ATO members, and in this ordynatorskiyLocker is where they hold dear body armor, helmets and more. Thieves povidkryvaly these lockers, but nothing took. Perhaps aware that this can « spalytys & raquo ;, – told RFE Yevgeny Gerasimenko. The doctor says that the version that theft can organize supporters armed separatists, does not hold, the seamsHEED all, he says, it was a steal for profit. The investigation leads Kirov police station Dnipropetrovsk, there versions about the incident until the publish.Source: