The labor market Ternopil region in January-March 2015
As of April 1, 2015 registered at local employment centers were 14,811 unemployed, 16.9% less than last year. Among them was the proportion of women - 54.5% of young people under 35 - 41.4%, rural population - 53.2% of workers - 46% of employees - 35.3% of persons who haveNumber of additional guarantees to promote employment - 28.5%. Unemployment benefit received 12,475 unemployed persons (84.2% of the total). The average size of such assistance since the year increased by 12.2% and amounted to 1126.05 USD. The main problem in the labor market region is insufficient number of vacancies and vacancy ratewith adequate working conditions and wages. During January-March this year, 2604, employers employment service area informed about the presence of 10 376 vacancies and vacancies. The share of jobs submitted to complete the Employment Service was 81.9%. On one vacancy on the average in the region claimed 6 unemployed.In the direction of local employment centers during the first quarter of 2015 employed 5060 people, including 2491 person was unemployed. Since compensation costs employers a single fee for compulsory state social insurance work provided 142 unemployed. One-time unemployment benefits for organizations entnytskoyi of 102 people received the status of unemployed. 1608 countryman been trained or increased their skills at the expense of the Fund compulsory state social insurance against unemployment Ukraine for 88 professions, specialties and directions. To participate in public works and other temporaryOn the nature attracted 882 people. With the assistance of employment to basic employment centers turned 305 IDPs who have received certificate be registered as people who move from the temporarily occupied territories and areas of TU. Employed 94 persons, 17 have been trained, 10 participated in thunderadskyh and other works of a temporary nature. As of April 1, 2015 there were 126 registered persons for whom the job search continues. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: