Exactly: 56,463 hryvnia collected during the citywide Easter Fair "Glory to Heroes!"

These funds will be used to help the wounded in the area ATO Ukrainian soldiers because they sometimes require relatively expensive treatment. Who and how much money will be provided, students and pupils of city youth clubs, which were the main Uchasnykamy charity fair, decide for 15 April (first day after Spring Break). Recall April 9, 2015, on Maundy Thursday in Rovaniemi on Independence Square citywide Easter Fair was held in support of Ukrainian soldiers who defend Ukraine in the east, called "Heroes of Glory." His articles on Easter RepStudents avyly city youth, students and youth clubs already known masters of folk and decorative art. Recall More than 70 thousand were collected at municipality New Year and Christmas market "Glory to Heroes" held in Rovaniemi December 14, 2014. The funds collected were sent to seven soldiers, wounded in the area ATO. Co.zhnomu in equal parts to 10 thousand. This was reported in the Rivne City Council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/