Lutsk athletes - Champions area!
April 9, 2015 at the Sports school Lutsk district championship final competitions held Volyn Region Volleyball boys born in 2000 and younger. In the final stage of the championship field volleyball won the right to participate in four regional teamsathletic organizations - Lutsk, Stone Kashyrsky, Starovyzhevskiy areas and Lutsk. A better result without losing a single game, the national team has shown Lutsk that intense fighting with 2: 1 wins in games against teams Lutsk and stone Kashyrsky areas and 2: 0 team Starovyzhevskiyarea. Team of Lutsk was formed from the best players comprehensive junior sports school 1 of the City Council (coaches - Igor V. Kravchuk). As a result, the national team of Lutsk won gold medals championship, second place and silver medals in sports Lutsk region, and the third place and bronzeand reward the team Starovyzhevskiy area. Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of the City Council This was reported in Lutsk City CouncilSource: