Vinnitsa police received bids for additional protection of the city

staff Renovated 45th experimental armored mechanical plant gave special unit "Vinnitsa 2" for later use in protecting the city. On the technical support of armored vehicles Special Forces "Vinnitsa 2" d taken careeputaty City Council and staff of the 45th plant. With the initiative of the city police department, bids, which was on the balance of regional police department has been given for repair of factory workers. Within three months of continued overhaul of armored vehicles which spent 290 000 hryvnia, which provided members of the city council andcollective 45th plant. As a result spetspryznachentsi received in their use refurbished armored, which serve to protect our city - said Acting Mayor Sergei Morgunov. Number of seats in armored vehicles allows both to be about 15 people. Law enforcement officials will use the technique to enhanc-term protection area checkpoints in the city of Vinnitsa. Later, at the 45th plant planned additional driver training for management armored vehicle - said city police chief Yuri Kutsyy. - Police ready to protect the city and provide the public peace. SZEM VMV Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region
