Ternopil Region: Region economy performing spring field work as planned
area under crop in 2015 will reach 803.2 thousand. Ha, 0.6 thousand. Ha more than last year. This year will be changed culture for crops, seed use as domestic producers. Therefore, the leadership in the field should be ready to change the gamefikiv of work. This was announced by Director of the Department of Agricultural Development of Ternopil Regional State Administration Oleg pressure during the board meeting of the State Administration 8 April. "Currently we are implementing spring field work as planned. Winter crops are sown on the area of ??206.0 thousand. Ha, which is 0.5 thousand. Ha more than last year,- He said. - During the complex spring field work by agricultural producers of all forms of ownership is planned to sow spring crops on the area of ??514.4 thousand. Ha. " According to current information farms, spring crops were sown on an area of ??46.0 thousand. Hectares, which is 14% as planned; early grain andlegumes without buckwheat and corn - an area of ??39.6 thousand. ha or 72%. "Spring wheat is sown on an area of ??5.4 thousand. Ha, which is 64% according to plan. Completed in occupied Berezhany, Buchach, Husyatyn, Lanivtsi, Podvolochisk and Podgaetskiy areas. Spring barley - an area of ??27.4 thousand. Ha (75%). Sugar beets are planted on an area of ??5.0 tIP. ha (23%). Most of them planted by agricultural area Kremenetskogo -57% Ternopil - 47%. Terebovlia agricultural area started planting potatoes "- summed Oleg pressure. In the Department of Agricultural Development of RSA developed recommendations regarding the features of complex spring fieldEx works subject to the conditions 2015, which will be directed leaders in the field. Condition of winter crops and the course of the spring planting season in general - under the constant supervision of ODA. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/