Ivano-Frankivsk preschoolers in an entertaining way learn the rules of safe behavior

In today's world it to kids watches many nebe ­ zpek: ele ­ ktrychnyy current, gas and the ­ even ordinary B ­ p ­ ers a clumsy children's hands are on no time to become good friends with fierce Woro ­ hill. Be not in troubleAdults Liabilities ’ attributable to convey to children in an accessible form for their basic knowledge of life safety. as part of the Week of knowledge on the basics of life safety personnel management DSNS in pupils visited the older group Ivano-Frankivsk pre-school « Bee & raquo ;. Educators and students of Mr.idhotuvalysya coming to the rescue and organized a real theatrical performance. To demonstrate how they know the rules of fire safety, children were rescued - from the manager, taking calls about the fire, and ending with conventional fire suppression. And it was really very interesting and informative, and this game - an importanteducational time when children playing, realize the importance of personal security and immediate action in case of an emergency. Children also made a kind of museum of appliances - toy irons, kettles, gas tiles that can be dangerous if inept handling by moment can become a friend of the enemy and Artati fire. Before pupils « Bees » Management and staff were DSNS in the area, who told of cases fires Carpathian region and how important to observe fire safety rules and listen to elders. The children listened attentively rescue story, vividly mo ­ d ­ told the questions. Also took the actyvnu contests and competitions, vidhaduvaly puzzles. From the ­ chuvayetsya that learning di ­ dren safety of life at this preschool institution is at a high level. Children know how to behave when left alone at home, what to do and where to go in case of trouble. The great merit in such high awareness of childrensafety of life, of course, teachers of the institution and rescuers who were able to pick up such forms and methods to preschoolers, playing, pi ­ znavaly outside world and knew how to behave properly in it. Ho ­ chetsya hope that such events for the safety of life among preschoolers help avoid furtherth tragedies and save children's lives. Management DSNS in

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/