For dinner volynyanyn "paid" mobile phone

event occurred in the cafe. While her husband was ordering food, a thief stole from the table his cell phone. By the duty of the stone Kashyrsky District Police Ukraine in the Volyn region was reported by 31-year resident of stealing a mobile phone. Investigative team, will comevshy on the scene, found all the circumstances of the offense. 31-year-old boy came to the cafe for lunch. Leaving the phone, he walked away from the table, to order lunch. This also allowed the thief. Police quickly identified the offender. They found 33-year-old resident of the district. Investigation Department initiated a criminal claimrovadzhennya on ch. 1, Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now the attacker faces up to three years in prison. Hope TOROKANETS, Stone Kashyrskyi District Police Ukraine Volyn region
