Chernigov: Children's drawing contest "Crayons" ended in Chernihiv
clubs in the community for two months passed Drawing Contest "Crayons". Recently announced its results. The organizer of the competition - municipal institution "school educational institution" Center works with children and youth in the community "Junenihivskoyi City Council. To work with the organization and the competition directly involved teachers and organizers clubs in the community. The competition aimed to aesthetic education of children, bringing them to engage in artistic creativity, development of creative abilities. The task of the competition were as follows: - Assistance in detecting creative zdibtions pets clubs in the community; - Identify creative and talented pupils; - Ensuring the competition among pupils yaknabilshoho clubs in the community. Prospective participants could be students clubs in the community from 6 to 18 years. The competition was held under the theme "Breath of Spring". Entries toraly part in 4 categories (each job in one of nominations), "Flower Fair" (pictures of spring flowers, nature), "Spring pets" (pictures of animals), "Spring Holiday" (pictures of subjects that are related with spring celebration), "Spring original" (drawings on original stories spring). Also introduced a special nomination "Creativeteacher "in which teachers could participate Organising clubs. The competition had several phases: preparatory (ad themes and nominations, and works locally in the clubs in the community), competitive (transfer images to assess the jury) Drawings (an exhibit of the best pictures at the "Prometheus") award Moveozhtsiv (Measures to award winners). The jury "Crayons" entered organizers and invited experts. Defined three winners of each category. However, the jury could not remain indifferent to the other robot, so some of them were awarded special prizes. All winners atholding diplomas and promotional gifts. So congratulate the winners and wish all participants inspiration and inspiration! Doluchaysya clubs to work in the community - fun with us! According to the Center works with children and youth in the communitySource: