Thief-recidivist with Uzhhorodschyny not even stopped the clock house arrest

While under house arrest, a thief with multiple convictions behind him and then steal. Now police are trained police station Uzhgorod petition the court to capture the attacker into custody. For a long time in the Uzhhorod region known obkradav apartments Estsevyh residents. Law enforcement officials have proven involvement in these crimes one of the villagers drawings. The man already has behind him a few convictions. Regarding the thief court chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest clock. However, recently revealed that the thief, violating the terms of house arrest, committed another robbery. As for him started cryminalne proceedings under Part 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine 185 (theft). Guardians decide on taking the attacker into custody. Pre-trial investigation continues. Information Uzhgorod District Police
