Volyn region, rescuers DSNS together with priests and parishioners are concerned about fire safety in

churches eve of Easter in Lutsk district Volyn region took control of about Surprise Inspection ’ yasuvannya fire of religious buildings. Surprise team visited churches in the villages of Bitter and Polonka Charukiv. Rescuers focused on the presence of the primary means of fire, emergency exits overlooked that parishioners in case of fire can get out of the house, as well as the ’ yasovuvaly serviceability mains. In addition, experts stressed DSNS clergy and parishioners of the need for strict adherence to safety rules bezposeredcover sufficiently during worship. The results of Surprise Inspection, Fire postulates are well known and priests who have traditionally held on the eve of Easter holidays briefings and participate in special exercises and parishioners for whom already on the ground Rose ’ yasnyuvalnu work is done by the same priests. Rescuers focused HCAUG priests and responsible for fire safety in churches particularly closely inspect the premises after the liturgy should make sure that all the candles and incense charcoal repaid and appliances are turned off. The results of the audit and the priests and parishioners, even the youngest, adhere to safety regulations, as well understoodprice and security very seriously cherish most sacred places Village – temple. UDSNS in Volyn region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/