In Lutsk new conditions for subsidies for housing and communal services
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on February 28, 2015 106 "On improvement of housing subsidies," provides a new simplified procedure for calculating housing subsidies, with effect from May 1, 2015 year (other than paragraph 3 of Resolution). Paragraph 3 ciyeyi Regulation provides that by 15 April and before November 1, 2015 enterprises providing services of gas, electricity and district heating will be delivered to the customer application forms for appointment housing subsidy and declaration of income and expenses. Thus, every household at the same time account for openergy patch in April and October 2015 will document forms on purpose subsidies. In compliance with the above Resolution: * The appointment of subsidies will be based on only two papers that significantly simplified - statements and declarations (repealed need to provide information about income, including personnel);* Introduced a subsidy for 12 months, and not for the heating season as before; * Set automatically principle of providing subsidies for the new period (canceled to re-access the social security subsidies for appointment to a new period in the absence of changes; information collection to appointent housing subsidies social security will receive in an exchange of state fiscal serve and Pension Fund); * Will be given the right to issue grants to individuals who rent housing and pay the cost of utility services under a written contract of employment (rental) housing; * Canceled limiton the appointment of subsidies based on family economic status (presence of two or more cars, flats or houses, etc.) but to expensive as a one-time purchase worth over 50 thousand. UAH .; * Abolished restrictions on the availability of a household of working age who are not working, neither study nor amNumber of registered employment center as unemployed. However, increasing the responsibility of the applicant for supplying the data used for the purpose of housing subsidies. Eligibility for housing subsidies have households where the cost of housing and communal services, based on social norms and social norms housing corystuvannya services exceeding the amount specified mandatory payment. With the appointment of housing subsidies to residents of Lutsk should apply to the Department of Social Policy of the City Council (Pr Will 4a) and its subsidiaries (st. Bendeliani, 7, Avenue of Unification, 18). Consultations are available by calling 284 161 265 961 and. Dokuments for appointment subsidies may be sent to the Department of Social Policy mail. Department of Social Policy This was reported in Lutsk City CouncilSource: