SAI in Volyn region appeals to drivers mototransportnyh

vehicles on the roads each year an increasing number of field mototransportnyh means. Powerful engines allow their owners to develop a high speed, however, urban roads with a busy road and pedestrian traffic such manevruvan not adapted. Daredevils drivingmotorcycles, unfortunately, does not stop. Especially in the evening time of day they approximation can be heard from afar, and the trucks sometimes difficult to discern due to high speed. In addition, these drivers allow themselves to violate ryadnist and other road ride motion ignoring the rules. Such carelessness often Enduyetsya tragically. In this regard, State car in Volyn region reminds drivers that despite the hassle management of this type of transport - the source of increased danger. First of all, strictly follow the traffic rules, be sure to use a helmet, in addition, that neglect of this rule entails responsibility, you consciousOmo expose themselves to risk if it does not perform. Motorcycle, unlike a car, because design features a low passive safety. Therefore, even a minor collision leads to the drivers and passengers of motorcycles are serious injury. In addition, often the data vehicles run by people who do not havedriving skills. To avoid becoming a victim of a road Follow the adventures of the established speed limit (speeding within settlement under Article 122, paragraph 1, KU on administrative violations will result in imposition A penalty of 255-340 USD). Also, keep in mind that on the road suddenly mAuger pedestrian exit. High speed will not slow down time, therefore, may be threatened human life. Watch closely for irregularities that may be on the road when the driver they can not note, for motorcyclists pothole in the pavement can cause loss control. Consider, motorcycle, moped or scooter muchharder to see at a flow Transport and accurately determine the speed of its movement, due to the fact that their size is much smaller than the size of other vehicles. You must remember that everything signaling devices of the vehicle must be in good condition. This applies to audio signals, brake, pokazhchykiv rotation and other devices. The correct position in the transport stream is also very important in order to motorcyclist has not gone unnoticed. Do not forget about safe distance. Do not drive up too close to the vehicle traveling ahead. In order to secure the necessary time to find the most safetrajectory leaving the uncomfortable situation in the cluster machines, rider should not attempt to drive up close to the cars. UGAI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
