At the State Vinnytsia workers detained the driver, who was in a state of intoxication (+ photos)
in Vinnitsa workers removed from the State control bus driver of the vehicle that is under the influence of drugs carrying passengers. When traffic control attention, guards etc.orih, drew bus driver of the vehicle that is driving the bus was dressed in a dark winter hat, glasses and drank tea. Inspectors stopped the bus driver to make comments. While talking with the driver police noticed a strange behavior helmsman and suggested be examined in drug treatment clinics. According to the results review found that 40 year old driver is under the influence of drugs and cannabis amfitaminu. In Helmsman bus made administrative record for driving in a state of ch ’ yaninnya, driving license withdrawn and the car is delivered to a temporary holding area. Reported bythe press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vinnitsa regionSource: