Chernivtsi man through jealousy cut young man and shot at a neighbor

Employees of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in Chernivtsi Region the aggressive jealous. He is in custody - said Acting Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - chief of the criminal police Alexander Rarenko. 34-year-old chernivchanyn in broad daylight on a street corner heavenly CoTNI and Independence Avenue cut 23-year-old boy. The latter is one of the medical institutions of the city and is considered an aggressor, had an affair with his wife. The victim immediately admitted to the hospital Chernivtsi. His life and health is not threatened. After the attack on the young man went physician his home, where his wife began to quarrel. He blamed his beloved 30-year-old in infidelity. Hearing the cries of the apartment, roommate broke down and decided to stand up for the frightened woman. However, such an outburst of the soul did not like the man. He pulled out a gun and wounded his wife in the defender's hand. Then fled angry jealous. In the search for aggressiveFirst and probably armed chernivchanyna workers rushed to the Criminal Investigation, Management of combating organized crime investigative team and the Shevchenko district department of MIA. For an hour thanks to the measures taken workers OCD AMIA attacker was kaydankah. Now jealous man responsible before the law for committing humanoporushennya under Part. 4. 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces a sentence of imprisonment from 3 to 7 years. According to Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine attacker arrested. Pre-trial investigation continues. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
