In cities Volynskyy, and Baranivka citizens will have an opportunity to meet with the leadership of Ministry of Internal Affairs Zhytomyr Zhytomyr

Dear residents! 8 and April 10 in two regional centers of Zhytomyr region be made private citizens acting techniques Head of Internal Affairs Gregory Polkovnikovym and Deputy Chief of Internal Affairs Nicholas Yuskovtsem. Apr 8ing in. Volynskyy, at the address. Franko, 3rd (premises of the city police) from 11.00 to 13.00 area residents will be able to contact the person acting Head of Internal Affairs Zhytomyr Gregory V. Polkovnikova. Previous post done by phone. (04141) 5-50-24 or (0412) 40-75-96. April 10 in the city. Baranivka atst. Tischikov 7 (police department building) from 11.00 to 13.00 personal reception of citizens hold the deputy chief of Internal Affairs Nicholas G. Zhytomyr Yuskovets. Previous post done by phone. (04144) 4-22-24 or (0412) 40-75-96. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
