Ternopil, during agricultural work in especial attention to safety work
In order to prevent accidents in agricultural production during agricultural work, in conditions of temporary restrictions on the exercise of State Supervision regional branch Derzhhirpromnahlyadu in Ternopil region together with the Department of Agricultural Development of Ternopil Regional Administration March 31 held a workshop with managers and specialists of the health and safety of agricultural enterprises Shumsky district. In the workshop meeting was attended by representatives of FSNV Shumsky region, trade unions, management specialists APR Shumskyher RSA. During the meeting discussed the preparations for the training and testing of safety; for the predreysovogo medical examinations; and providing clothing and personal protective equipment; safety requirements when using fertilizer and agricultural chemicals; ensure the tractor only those equipped with electricostarternym starting the engine from the cockpit; preventing operation of s / g technology without Fencing; safety requirements during works in the area of ??power lines; traffic enforcement during the work on public roads and during works in the field. Head of the State Inspection Labor Protectionin agriculture, SCS Transport and Communications of Territorial Administration Peter tops, insurance expert at FSNV Alexander Shumsky region Mykhalchuk and chief specialist of APR Ternopil Regional Administration Elena Tilchak addressed the meeting with a request to scrutinize the organization of safety during complex spring field robit and a responsible attitude to the safety of employees agriculture. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/