Designed Koziatyn interdistrict Attorney and Prosecutor Vinnytsia region
Orders Prosecutor General of Ukraine on April 2, 2015 Vinnytsia region prosecutor appointed Putra Oleg V. and Kozyatynska interdistrict prosecutor - Oleg Vladimirovich abroad. By this Putri A. held the position Koziatyn inter prokurora, border OV - Head prosecutor Lypovetskyi area. Putri A., 1975 was born in 1997, graduated from the National Law Academy of Ukraine. Ya.Mudroho. Started his career in 1997 as an investigator - trainee prosecutors Rozdilnjansky Odessa region. Counsellor of Justice. Boundary OV 1977 birth. It has alooking for legal education - graduated from Chernivtsi State University. Yuriy Fedkovych and Odessa National Academy of Law. In the Prosecutor's Office since 2000. He held various positions of responsibility in the prosecution Vinnytsia region. In particular, led the prosecution Illinetskyi and Lipovetsky region. Counsellor of Justice. This was reported in the press service of the ProsecutorVinnitsa regionSource: