The festival of Easter eggs in Lviv will send a half-meter Easter Egg on
East this weekend in Lviv at the Museum Square V Festival kicks off Easter eggs. During the event, artists, amateurs, children's clubs and organizations of the city decorate Easter eggs half-meter, which comprise the exhibition in Gallery art of pysanky. Recently started its work and foster children of all clubsdistricts. city. Easter beauty will pass to the east of Ukraine, the press service of the Lviv City Council. As the organizer of the festival of Easter eggs in Lvov Andrey Sidorov, from 3 to 19 April Sq. Museumplein (near the Dominican church) open air gallery open Easter eggs, which will prezedstavleno more than fifty half-meter copyright pysaNOC and three-meter Art Easter Egg. &Laquo; Every year we adds new artists, both amateur and technicians. So this year in the Gallery can be seen Easter eggs Easter symbols of Lviv Business School of UCU, Training and Rehabilitation Center « & raquo ;, Source studio art « COM & raquo ;, children's clubs in town LvoIsland, immigrants from the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk and artists Ivanka Voitovych, Eugenia Ryabchun-Kabarivskoyi, Oksana Andrushchenko Natalia Black-Trytsyatnyk and others. In the gallery, along with Easter eggs and Easter exhibition act art workshop. Anyone, adults and children can participate in master classes with spark-creating pysanky & raquo ;,&Ndash; Andrey Sidorov said. Children's clubs divided into six eggs were colored segments, each of which young artists draw national charms. &Laquo; before Easter inmates of children's clubs could not ignore their peers from the East. In addition to greeting cards, children paint with one big Easter egg as a symbol of unity. Although itand divided into different parts, participants about ’ united common motif – folk charms. Easter egg ozdoblyuvatymut to the end of the week to the next pass kids in East & raquo ;, – said the coordinator of children's clubs of the city Office of Youth, seven ’ th and Sports of the Lviv City Council Olga Kaspryshyn. Children's clubs HalytskohDistrict of zobrazhatymut family tree as a symbol of a unified nation. Children's clubs Lucakivskovo area – Bereginya as a symbol of unity of the people. Children's clubs Sihivkovo area – flowers as a symbol of fertility of the soil. Children's clubs Frankivsk region – Symbols Health ’ I and longevity. Children's clubs District Railway – bird of happiness as symvol luck for the country. Children's clubs Shevchenko district – bell as a symbol of childbirth. The festival of Easter eggs has charity project « good deeds & raquo ;. This year organizers will collect funds for equipment Chamber Profile Cardiology and Pediatric Department LODKL OHMATDET. In addition, children's clubs in the city in Mayyvaye school Easter eggs. Create the main Easter attributes teach 19 children's clubs. Children have the opportunity to learn how traditional painting, so try and create a creative Easter egg? through decoration beads, threads, techniques Crackle, decoupage, Quilling.Source: