In Ternopil region police arrested

drug traffickers On suspicion of possession and sales of drugs operatives of the Anti-Illicit Drug Trafficking regional police department arrested 25-year resident of Ternopil. Moon was selling marijuana to city residents. As the head of combating illicit trafficking Mr.arkotykiv Regional Department of Internal Affairs Vladimir Stroji?i, ternopolyanyn established scheme of illegal trade. Customers were not lacking. Buyers drugs ordered by phone and delivered the goods in the agreed place. For one roll narkodilok took from one hundred and fifty to two hundred hryvnia. Continue to business ternopolyanynu police prevented. Onthe next sale of marijuana, police detained drug traffickers. During personal inspection operatives seized attacker roll with chopped prohibited narkosyrovynoyu and deleted by selling cash. Suspect detained in accordance with Article 208 CCP Ukraine. Against him opened criminal proceedings under Article 307 ch. 2 of the Criminal Code - illegalproduction, manufacture, purchase, storage, transport, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues. Guardians establish routes of narkotovaru. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil region
