Students met Birds Lutsk Lutsk
in high school 18 launched city-wide campaign "Help the birds." Advisor to Mayor Boris Soroka said every year the initiative Environmental Department of the City Council in the city in the first days of April, students of city schools using adult made and hung in parks, on prishkolnyhterritories houses for migratory birds. This must be done to ensure that our parks settled and multiplied birds, because they not only kill pests, but also enrich the fauna of our world. "Everyone wants to enjoy singing nightingale know how many years NAC cuckoo, admire the beautiful swans that winter several yearsyut in ponds on the outskirts of Lutsk. Working with the conservation and protection of fauna native land is in the system. In order to help the birds in difficult winter once again organized feeding swans on technological ponds municipal wastewater treatment plants "- told Boris Soroka. Started action musical and literary composition that students anthemziyi 18 timed to the International Day of birds, which is celebrated on 1 April. Members of national folklore ensemble "Kalyna flower" showed ancient ritual invocation birds performed freckles and hayivky. Children in poems and songs talked about the importance of birds in our lives, produced informative quiz about birds. And those who correctly edovidav Asked treated ceremonial cookies, which took the form of larks. Then students and teachers of high school 18 cleared the schoolyard self made birdhouses. But cling to trees artificial nests children helped employees of Emergency Management in the Volyn region. This was reported in Lutsk City CouncilSource: