Debt neighbor tool volynyanyn passed pawn in
fraudster will now answer before the law. A resident of the Vladimir-Volyn addressed the duty of the police report Gorotdel that his friend asked him to power and for several days did not return it. Police, rozshukavshy 27-year-old suspectJuvanje, found that he lives in the same house with the victims. Taking advantage of familiarity, dodger asked him for electric sanding tool corner, which was to return the next day. But the intention to give the owner an attacker thing had, for once passed pawn in the instrument, and the money spent on their own needs. For daDepartment investigator fact it opened criminal proceedings for an offense under Part. 1, Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Now the man threatened penalty of three years of restriction of liberty. Alina Matusevych, Vladimir-Volyn MB Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn regionSource: