Inspetsiya Derzhenerhonahlyadu in Vinnytsia region conducts free monitoring of electrical and thermal equipment (+ photos)

This is the head of the inspection Derzhenerhonahlyadu in Vinnytsia oblast Victor Pirnyak. In order to prevent technological breakdowns, which during the 2014 energy facilities Ukraine done more than 172 thousand.(8.7 thousand. Breaches more than in 2013), budgetary savings, as well as the difficult situation in the energy supply, inspection Dezhenerhonahlyadu in Vinnytsia region, offers free entities monitoring of electrical and thermal equipment on their compliance with regulatory and technicals and legal documents in the production, supply, and economic and efficient use of electricity and heat. To monitor and provide suggestions on the operation of power equipment (maintenance documentation), an entity created in the company's own commission and Offravlyaye request to the Inspection under the following sample requested involvement in the commission of independent experts. Monitoring is possible in the following areas: - For technical condition of operating power plants and modes of supply of electric and thermal energy; - On the preparation for operation enerhoustaNovokom improving children's health facilities before the season; - On preparations for the operation of power plants with the seasonal nature of the work; - On preparation for work in electrical storm period during floods; - Training for power plants to work osinno- winter; - For the operation ofher independent power sources (electricity and heat); - For the rational and economical use of electricity and heat; - Act in the preparation of environmental, technological and emergency reservation; - Proposals on the distribution of heat. This will reduce the accident rate, the number of technical breakdowns and reduce Consumerof energy. ZRAZOKNachalnyku inspection Derzhenerhonahlyadu in Vinnitsa region Pirnyaku VM In order to provide recommendations to improve the technical condition and operation of electrical installations (teploustanovok), the implementation of which will ensure the safe and efficient operation, please send your representatives to attend the Commissionmonitoring and technical condition of their operation, as an independent expert. Head This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
