In Chernihiv City Council discussed the utility of the month improvement in Chernihiv part

Days environment on April 4, features the collected garbage collection, tree planting approval, compliance improvement. These and other issues discussed at the joint meeting of the Housing and Utilities of the City Council and departameNTU housing and utilities administration for Preparation of monthly welfare and Environment Day, held March 31 in Chernihiv city council. Were invited heads of municipal departments and services of the region and city. According to the Head of Housing and Utilities of the City, theAda Gennady Lutsenko now been allocated areas for cleaning. The main attention is paid to the historical center of the city - Val and the Central Park of Culture and Leisure. "Complex work has actually started, pleased that the teams that compiled their own and surrounding areas, ready to work on other areas uncleared"- Said G. Lutsenko. To participate in organized environmental days everyone can apply to the district councils, or directly to the management utilities. Director promised to provide participants opportunities necessary cleaning equipment. One of the urgent issues during mass cleaning of garbage is garbage collected. G. Lutsenkoo explained that this work be carried out in phases, will apply all the equipment and all utilities to clean up chymskorish. On the organization and work of improvement in Chernihiv region district administration chief of staff told Tatiana Kurylenko. She drew attention that the cleaning and planting trees with educational purposeschool youth involved school district. Also to perform community service involved local unemployed. To increase motivation to conscientious cleaning in the area held a competition among localities from the prize fund. G. Lutsenko said that during the month of improvement is not necessary to divide the tangent of the city and district. "We willat work together, "- he said. Special attention was paid to the meeting issues such as compulsory use of tilt transport during garbage collection, the need for coordination of planting trees and shrubs, so when planting of urban facilities were not. Head of Urban Environmental Inspectorate Sergei Strynadko noted that in springwidespread disturbances of improvement is incineration and unauthorized sawing trees. According to him, only in March and more than 80 inspectors adminprotokol. The head of urban public utilities expressed hope for active participation in the planned community environment days. "If people come out en masse to clean their city, even indam procedure for public utilities will be easier ", - the head of the Housing City Council. Department of Public Relations of the City Council
