In the Zhytomyr region in Andrushivka district police detained
workers thief Andrushivsky District Police accused of stealing property belonging zhyteltsi area, it odnoselchanyna. By Andrushivsky District Police asked 24-year-old local resident, who said that the night of her household utility room capacity with stainless stoleniyuchoyi steel and 10 meters fencing mesh. According to the woman, the thief struck her losses 1,000 USD. Police determined that a criminal offense committed 29 years odnoselets applicant. The man confessed to the crime. Bodies and departments of the Interior region always taken practical and organizational measures will addressor prevention and detection of crimes related to robbery and robbery of citizens and their apartments, private homes, cottages. Dear citizens! Do not forget to take care of themselves and their own safety and the safety of their property. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine in Zhytomyr regionSource: