Bukovina police failed to escape the kidnappers auto caller

After receiving information about the illegal appropriation of a vehicle and the traffic stolen "Niva" toward the Ternopil region on the post road patrol in the village Zvynyachyn, inspectors blocked the road barrier. Service vehicle traffic police prudently Mr.erekryly also road towards the village Repuzhyntsiv Zastavnivsky area. It is here and turned fugitive. However, the requirement to stay inspectors ignored, while the added speed. A few kilometers along the dirt road continued persecution. "Niva" maneuvered anything tried to escape the rounds patrol car that occasionally overlappedyvav her way. But in the village Khreschatyk fugitive drove into the street, from which there was no exit. Realizing that this trap, the attacker locked car doors. However, the inspector of road patrol service with the district police officer was able to still get to the driver and put him in handcuffs. Racer handed police investigative Decemberpi police that a few minutes arrived on the scene. It was found that caused a dramatic story 27-year-old resident of the village Repuzhyntsi. That night he stole someone else's car in the village Kuchuriv Zastavnivsky small area of ??territory rate, which, incidentally, was under guard. An attacker acted decisively prolamavshy car closed gate. Bythis fact openly criminal proceedings under Art. 289 (unlawful appropriation of a vehicle) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Pre-trial investigation continues. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region (Based UGAI MIA)

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/