Vinnytchina: a drunk driver Khmilnyk "VAZivky" offered a bribe of 1,500 USD for avoiding liability

March 28 in the State Khmilnyk workers stopped 30-year old driver of the car « VAZ 2105 & raquo ;. When communicating with the driver, police noticed signs of alcohol ch ’ yaninnya in leaders and will offerridges him be examined on alcoholic ch ’ yaninnya, the driver agreed. The review confirmed that the driver is drunk ch ’ yaninnya. During the protocol on administrative violations driver to avoid administrative responsibility for violations of traffic rules driver offered to illegalyhodu traffic police in the amount of UAH 1,500. Traffic police officers in cooperation with the department of internal security have documented attempt houses « bribe » and called to the scene investigative team. Investigation Department of the police opened criminal proceedings under Part 3 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (giving undue vynahHohrod an official). For such offenses punishable up to 8 years imprisonment with confiscation of property or without it This was reported in the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vinnitsa region
