For peace in Ukraine praying faithful Roman Catholic region (+ photos) March 27
head of Nationalities and Religions I.Saletskyy attended the diocesan faithful Way of the Cross in the Roman Catholic Church. Sharhorod. Pace led the bishop of the diocese of Odessa and Simferopolskyyi Bronislaw Bernatsky. Prayer for Ukraine - was the topic palomnytstIsland, which is quarterly in Sharhorod. The numerous clergy and about three thousand pilgrims from Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr and Ternopil regions were three-kilometer path from the church of St. Florian, stopping at 14 chapels, Stoyan, symbolizing highlights the suffering of Jesus Christ. Christians paid their prayersand for peace in the country, to ensure that the unity of the faith and overcome all difficulties. They prayed for the Ukrainian people, harmony and spiritual awakening of Ukraine. March 29 western rite Christians celebrated Palm (Palm) Sunday. More than a hundred faithful of the Roman Catholic Church. Vinnitsa members neokatehumenalnyh community, led by the bishop ordinary of Kamenetz-Podolsk diyetseziyi Leon Dubravskoho, the cross procession passed through the central streets of the city to the church of Our Lady of the Angels, thus honoring the solemn entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. On the same day, Tulchin, theatrical Stations of the Cross were faithful Roman Catholic Church under the slogan - "Through the cross to the resurrection. Christ is Risen - Ukraine will rise again! ". Dvokilometroing the way pilgrims were periodically stopping and remembering the suffering of Jesus Christ. Each time standing read poems about Ukraine, people affected by war shnya. To the religious procession joined about 400 faithful Catholics city Tulchin, surrounding towns and villages, as well as representatives of Evangelical churches. Participation in publicin religious performances workers took control of Nationalities and Religions OSA and head Tulchin district administration Pidbolyachnyy Nikolai, who thanked the faithful for common prayer, it is necessary for our country. Theatrical Way of the Cross Roman Catholic faithful Tulchinsky area ofwas the first time and was intended to strengthen faith, calling for peace, unity and indifference to events occurring in eastern Ukraine. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationSource: