In Vinnytsia in Pischans'kyi Raion people skoyivshy killing two people committed suicide in

Pischans'kyi Raion killed three people. According to preliminary information, during an argument 25-year-old man with a hunting rifle had committed the murder of his wife and father in law. After that caused a fatal injury from the same weapon. As the deputy chief of the villagelidchoho management Alexander Soldatov, the tragedy occurred on shots at the police informed the locals about 14 hours. Previously found that 25-year-old woman with a 40-year-old stepfather came to the house in the village. Myrolyubivka where she lived with her husband and two children to pick up personal belongings. In between conflict and the man struck CMErtelnyh wounds with a gun to his wife and father in law. On the eve of marriage posvarylosya and a woman with two children moved to his mother. The place is investigative team police. It was established that the fatal shot was made with a hunting rifle, officially registered in the husband. The circumstances of the tragedy being investigated. This event is included in the YedyRegister of pre-trial investigations on the basis of ch. 2 st.115 Criminal Code of Ukraine (premeditated murder). SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region
