In Ternopil wielded by crook, frightening curse and take valuables
two shahrayok victim was 24-year-old woman. Two trusted stranger who promised to save her family from the curse, the victim lost gold jewelry and money. "Removal of spoiling" her worth over seven thousand. How to tell law enforcement victim to her inVolyn Street, near Third Municipal Hospital, unknown woman approached and asked what time. Then the stranger tied a conversation with a girl. She said that her family send down a terrible curse. Heard stunned young woman. Stranger did not stop, continued to bully troubles. Then said she could help rectify the trouble.During the conversation they were joined by another alleged bystanders, and began to tell that "savior" once helped and advised her and listen to her. The victim believed and began to carry out the instructions crook. Then there was the ritual of "purification from the curse." Villain ordered the girl to remove all gold jewelry, put them in a purse, and sweatof the package. The victim did just that. Packet girl gave crook, and she, at their direction and began to pray. "Lady" disappeared along with the personal belongings of the girl. And, having recovered, I realized that was the victim shahrayok. With approached the police. Zloumyshlennitsy searching. Look carefully to a photo of one of shahrayok, willing the words of the victim. Shahraytsi looking 45-50 years, height 165-170 cm., Medium build, brown hair, oval face, gray-green eyes. Was wearing a blue jacket balonovu, blue jeans, black boots. Its ally looking 25 years, height 160-165 cm., Brown hair, brown eyes. Was wearing a purple jacket, blue jeans. To thatwhoever wanted to know, call in Ternopil: 12/27/30, 27-13-72, 102. Police repeatedly warned residents of the area to be careful and not to trust strangers. Avoid any contact with people who want some way to get your attention. Do not look them in the eye, do not let you touch. Not AcTawau on offer strangers fortunes or remove the damage. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil regionSource: