In Zhytomyr themed flash mob drew attention to the issue of children's safety on the road

in Zhytomyr took action to comply with the call-members of the movement of road safety. To draw drivers attention to the strict observance of speed modes for street and road network of the regional center undertook NGO activists, youth and Derzhavtoinspektsiya. March 27 st. Berdychiv, one of the main streets of the regional center, traffic police together with representatives of public organizations and students staged a demonstration preventive measures for drivers. Children camped on the sidewalks along the roadway street, holding a mock traffic signs that Mr.ahadaly leaders of the safe speed in the city. Meanwhile, representatives of the NGO distributed among drivers special leaflets and booklets, expressing request follow traffic rules, be polite and attentive to the little pedestrian, but the kids were handed out balloons themed print. How to Reportwashing the head of the regional traffic police administration Vladimir Zhytomyr mushroom, during the current year in Zhytomyr happened 15 accidents involving children, because of which affected 16 children. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region
