In the Zhytomyr region Olevsk faced car and motorcycle
For the past day were 1 accident in which two people were injured. March 25 around 13.00 in. Olevsk driver of "VAZ-2105" 57-year-old local resident, making a left turn, did not provide an advantage in movement and made zitkNennius of motorcycle "Viper" running Olevskyi District resident, 1996 year of birth As a result of accident, the driver and passenger of the motorcycle were injured and taken to the hospital. Dear citizens! Analyzing the situation on the roads area, it should be noted that most accidents occur because of failure to suaction vehicle traffic rules. Remember that seemingly even minor violations can have extremely serious consequences. In total 96 violations of traffic rules were identified and stopped workers in the State roads area during the last day. 8 Arrested for drivers drive vehicles in Artor intoxication. Done 10 administrative protocols to drivers for exceeding speed modes. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr regionSource: