In the Rivne region information theft
Over the weekend, police received reports of theft. For all the facts for criminal proceedings under section 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Some of them are: - The police reported 39-year-old Lyudmila that unknown person committed a theft from her home. The attacker, etc.onic to accommodation by damage to the plastic window and captured zolomymy decorations. The amount of damage is established. - 23-year-old Dmitry reported that unknown person committed a theft from his shop in jail. The attacker entered the room through the window and seized fishing equipment. - The police found that stealing from a shop in ESTI roe committed 20-year-old Vladimir with 18-year-old Alexander, Roman and Dimitri, locals. The attackers entered the room and stole food. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Rivne regionSource: