In Vinnytsia police looking for two shahrayok that "the damage was removed" 120 thousand
zloumyshlennitsy victim was mother of 3-year-old kid who believed in the fact that her son send down damage. To save the baby, the woman gave crook money and gold jewelry totaling about 120 000. To make friends with a potential victim asand walking with a child on the street, two days crook "uleschuvaly" woman. The new "girlfriend" exchanged phone numbers on which each agreed on a new meeting. All this time, zloumyshlennitsy in two voices carefully told that the child send down the damage from which the baby can die in a month. To avoid this, it was necessary to bring Homein all gold jewelry and money, thus owes nothing to tell, or "ritual removal of spoiling" does not work. Frightened by the life of her child, 32-year-old mother has fulfilled all instructions shahrayok - woman brought values ??wrapped in baby diapers. After taking valuables swindler vinnychantsi ordered three times to get around the house, as they will carry out samplevenom. Returning, she did not see no fortune, no money on decorations. Realizing that she cheated, she appealed to the police. Investigation Department opened criminal proceedings under ch. 2, Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (fraud). For the offense is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three years. Police again zvertayetbe citizens to be vigilant when dealing with unfamiliar people. Avoid any contact with the public, offering pohadaty remove or damage. If you still have been victims of fraud in no way delay, immediately call "102". SZEM VMV Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa regionSource: