In Volyn family rowdy resisted police officers

man, being drunk, home made scandal. At the request of the mother all calm down, he did not respond, so she asked for help to the police. Now the attacker, in addition to administrative, threatened and even criminal liability. The event occurred around 18:30. By just calling youmoved local policeman. Arriving at the scene, police officer tried to calm down the attacker. However, his request to stop the illegal actions of 37-year-old offender was not considered, behaved aggressively sharpav policeman for clothes, tore straps. As a result, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Police" local policeman put Mr.and the offender kaydanky. About the event immediately informed of another stone Kashyrsky police department. First man was taken to hospital for osviduvannya and then - in the police station, where he was made the administrative record for violence in the family. In addition, the fact of the resistance of law enforcement officers started forryminalne proceedings under Part. 2, Art. 342 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. For illegal actions rowdy threatens punishment of a fine of up to two years in prison. Hope TOROKANETS, Stone Kashyrskyi District Police Ukraine Volyn region
