In Khmelnytsky rescuers raided to comply with fire safety regulations in religious institutions

To prevent fires in the churches during worship on Easter, and training of clergy fire safety rules, March 25 rescuers m. Netishyn with the media made about&Rsquo; drive places of worship. From superiors churches rescuers had reprimanded briefings and interviews, presented city ’ leaflets warning of interest and character. During the raids, considerable attention was paid to the proper operation of the mains and of sufficient number of fire extinguishers in the room. The employees appealed to the clergy DSNSas to those during worship, special attention was paid to the elderly, who can ignore the rules of fire safety. In turn, employees of religious buildings placed in temples monuments of fire safety rules, and once again convinced that technically serviceable fire extinguishers, emergency exits and spare not cluttered. StateService of Ukraine of Emergencies once again reminds the citizens, not to overshadow a holiday, follow the rules of safe use of fire, be especially careful with candles. Knowledge of basic fire safety rules will help prevent fire and knowledge of priority actions in case of fire – help keep the material and spiritual kginnosti. 3 State Fire and Rescue Squad PG DSNS Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region
